Detailed search

Extract data from the database

Axial ligand

Please select the axial ligands of target hemes. "ALL" includes all kinds of ligand stored in PyDISH other than listed below. The numbers in parentheses represent the number of data of each group stored in PyDISH.

Protein function

Please select the protein function of target hemes. "ALL" includes all kinds of function stored in PyDISH other than listed below. The numbers in parentheses represent the number of data of each group stored in PyDISH.

Heme type

Please select the residue name of target hemes.

Threshold of Structural resolution (Å)

Please set the maximum value of structural resolution in Å. More accurate result is expected for lower value, but the amount of data in the extracted dataset becomes smaller.

1.4 8.2

Please complete your selection above.